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Guide Setup Enigma 2 Box

The first thing to do is install putty, a free SSH/Telnet Windows client: http://www.putty.org/

Download the program and install Putty

Take the Box ip address

Putty program “Host name” Enter the section and under the section “Telnet” Select


> “Open” button

> To open the black screen

“root” enter and your Device Root User & Password.

PLEASE NOTE: This line is just an example, the original Line you will get from us, once your logged in, just put in to thw Terminal Window the IPTV Autoinstaller Script and hit ENTER:

wget -O /etc/enigma2/iptv.sh “http://domainname.com:port/get.php?username=MyUser&password=MyPassword&type=enigma22_script&output=ts” && chmod 777 /etc/enigma2/iptv.sh && /etc/enigma2/iptv.sh

“reboot” enter

and after install reboot your box and Enjoy!
NOTE: Remember to use the correct m3u link which was sent to your email after purchasing your subscription IPTV.

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